De Adams Familie rond de wereld in 100 dagen: Thailand, Vietnam, Australië en Nieuw Zeeland

Day 1 : A passage to Thailand

Since the flight with Singapore Airlines to Bangkok leaves from London, we had the great pleasure to enjoy for one night the London hospitality and food before to take off for the great adventure. After witnessing a most beautiful sunset in the plane, we arrived at the by Steven carefully selected bed and breakfast in the outskirts of London Heathrow. The place appeared to be run by 2 brothers who could stand the admission test for the cast of Fawlty towers. This however was fairly compensated by the garden view, a real asset for tourists arriving after sunset and leaving before sunrise.

Luckily there was a pub around the corner, the Queens' Head, where a fairly normal looking Jonathan served us some beer(s) , the usual foamless English stuff coming close to room temperature, allowing to drink it fast (for the English to get drunk real quick, for Belgians to avoid any contact with taste papilla). And as top of the bill, for the insiders from shortski 2008, I found a little sister of the exploded f... in the pub used as table decoration.

The pub served some Thai food, cooked by a 'real' Thai named Gom, who was delighted that (after some initial disbelief) we were heading for Bangkok on the very next day. Email addresses exchanged etcetera, bye bye, and back to the bed and breakfast with the garden view.


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